Regina Cassandra I started anchoring when I was four for Splash, a kids’ channel. Then I moved on to ads. – Regina Cassandra Ads Quotes Anchoring Quotes Channel Quotes Kids Quotes Moved Quotes Splash Quotes Started Quotes I hate the word rat race and always believe that competition happens when two opponents face each other or vie for the same thing. When I was in college I was offered Kannada film ‘Suryakaanti’ and I took it up. That’s when I realised that I could not balance both acting and education. I gave up films to complete my graduation.
David Essex I never planned anything. I never had an image. I was just being me. If it hadn’t worked out I would have done anything with freedom. I would have driven a truck across Europe. – David Essex
Liya Kebede Midwives and doctors play a crucial role preventing unnecessary maternal deaths. They educate women about nutrition, health and family planning. And they step in when complications arise. – Liya Kebede
Edward Carpenter I should like these few words to be read over the grave when my body is placed in the earth; for though it is possible I may be present and conscious of what is going on, I shall not be able to communicate. – Edward Carpenter
Georg C Lichtenberg The fly that doesn’t want to be swatted is most secure when it lights on the fly-swatter. – Georg C Lichtenberg
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