Jean Hanff Korelitz I started thinking about what I’ve always been interested in: how people can’t see things that are right in front of them. All you have to do is read the papers to see endless examples of smart people who can’t see the nose on their faces. – Jean Hanff Korelitz Endless Quotes Examples Quotes Nose Quotes Papers Quotes People Quotes Read Quotes Smart Quotes Started Quotes Thinking Quotes People need a narrative, and if there isn’t one on offer, they make one up. I’m not in a position to tell anyone anything about how to live his or her life, but I think it’s worth noting that no one can lie to us as effectively as we can lie to ourselves. We know exactly what to say! And I do think that women, even extremely smart women, can be very, very vulnerable to men.
Shiv Nadar We invited HP executives to participate in the management and in the board. HCL had this concept of corporate officers since inception in 1999. We had a remuneration committee. Now everyone is talking about nomination and remuneration committee. We had this from 1999. – Shiv Nadar
Beanie Feldstein I have this saying: They either want The Bean or they don’t want The Bean. I just am my own thing. It works or it doesn’t work. – Beanie Feldstein
Latto When you think of Atlanta, you think of all these artists but what female? I want to be that. – Latto
EducationGoodNeil deGrasse Tyson Humans aren’t as good as we should be in our capacity to empathize with feelings and thoughts of others, be they humans or other animals on Earth. So maybe part of our formal education should be training in empathy. Imagine how different the world would be if, in fact, that were ‘reading, writing, arithmetic, empathy.’ – Neil deGrasse Tyson
James Callis My Latin education teaches me that religion comes from religio, which means, ‘to bind.’ To bind with rope. And that’s all it means. So whenever I hear somebody go, ‘I feel so religious right now!’ I’m like, ‘Well, you’re tying yourself up in knots, are you?’ – James Callis
Suresh Raina When you’re successful, there will be friends, people, VIPs rallying around you. When you’re down and out, you’re all alone. That’s why it’s important to be a good person. Because whether you’re a successful cricketer or not can always change, but the respect you earn by being the person you are stays with you. – Suresh Raina
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