Ruben Fleischer I started with digital filmmaking. I’ve pretty much only done digital filmmaking. – Ruben Fleischer Digital Quotes Filmmaking Quotes Pretty Quotes Started Quotes I come from music videos and commercials, where style is a big part of the whole world. I’ve always tried to add that to whatever I’m doing. I love music videos, and I think maybe it’s my favorite format.
Palmer Luckey A lot of people, even if they know what VR is, see it as this tool to go in your basement and play Halo. – Palmer Luckey
Martin Dempsey ISIL is inspiring groups that already exist to rebrand themselves, but in rebranding themselves into a more radical ideology. That’s what makes it dangerous. – Martin Dempsey
Alicia Keys I’m not ashamed of what I am and that I have curves and that I’m thick. I like my body. – Alicia Keys
Neil Bush Globalisation, and specifically our connectivity to China, has contributed to a sustained growth in the U.S. economy, has led to full employment and has benefited consumers with lower-cost, high-quality goods. – Neil Bush
John Banner Schultz is not a Nazi. I see Schultz as the representative of some kind of goodness in any generation. – John Banner
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