ComputersMarvin Minsky I started working at a point in history when digital computers were becoming mature, and before that, there were no such machines. – Marvin Minsky Computers Quotes Digital Quotes History Quotes Machines Quotes Mature Quotes Started Quotes I am not great at computers. If I were to try shopping through Google, I’d end up with 33 vests. In the early 1990s, Americans used their home phone lines to connect their desktop computers to the Internet via ISPs like AOL, Earthlink, or Netzero. Back then, the ISPs didn’t have cost-effective technology to select particular sites for blocking or privileging.
Bill Maher Things aren’t right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him, he can sue you. For what, restraint of trade? – Bill Maher
Abbie Hoffman I’m a nomad. A Jewish road warrior. I do not have a concept of home. I wish I did. But I live with the idea that we have to get out of town before dawn. – Abbie Hoffman
Philip Zimbardo My early childhood prepared me to be a social psychologist. I grew up in a South Bronx ghetto in a very poor family. From Sicilian origin, I was the first person in my family to complete high school, let alone go to college. – Philip Zimbardo
Joseph Conrad Nations it may be have fashioned their Governments, but the Governments have paid them back in the same coin. – Joseph Conrad
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