Abraham Verghese I still find the best way to understand a hospitalized patient whose care I am taking over is not by staring at the computer screen but by going to see the patient; it’s only at the bedside that I can figure out what is important. – Abraham Verghese Bedside Quotes Care Quotes Figure Quotes Hospitalized Quotes Patient Quotes Screen Quotes Staring Quotes Understand Quotes I write by stealing time. The hours in the day have never felt as if they belonged to me. The greatest number has belonged to my day job as a physician and professor of medicine – eight to 12 hours, and even more in the early days. My desire to be a physician had a lot to do with that sense of medicine as a ministry of healing, not just a science. And not even just a science and an art, but also a calling, also a ministry.
Bill Duke Dark skin is considered less than light skin in the in the minds of many in our community and in the media. – Bill Duke
Janet Echelman You can’t stumble upon something new and wonderful if you don’t have time to stumble. – Janet Echelman
John Whaite I just want to say to men, it doesn’t matter if you’re straight, it doesn’t matter if you’re gay, asexual, whatever you are, you have to speak, you have to talk, you have to find the help that you need, the help is there. – John Whaite
Douglas Tompkins If you want to destroy the planet, you can kiss social justice goodbye. The earth comes first. – Douglas Tompkins
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