Dick Durbin I stood respectfully as Ronald Reagan was sworn in to his second term though I disagreed with him on many issues. I stood as well for the inauguration of George W. Bush’s second term though I thought his war in Iraq was a tragic mistake. – Dick Durbin Bushs Quotes Disagreed Quotes George Quotes Inauguration Quotes Iraq Quotes Issues Quotes Mistake Quotes Reagan Quotes Respectfully Quotes Ronald Quotes Stood Quotes Sworn Quotes Term Quotes Tragic Quotes War Quotes Since 2000, I have proposed changing the Constitution so that our popular vote decides the presidency. Credit card companies and banks usually aren’t shy when they’re trying to sell you something. Heck, Wells Fargo didn’t even bother to ask consumers before signing them up for as many as two million checking and credit card accounts.
Alex Azar Health coverage in the form of short-term, limited-duration plans has long been widely available to individuals in circumstances where they are unable to access traditional coverage, such as those between jobs or students taking a semester off from school. – Alex Azar
Bill Kristol If the American people really come to a settled belief that Bush lied us into war, his presidency will be over. – Bill Kristol
Hong Chau People who I’ve encountered who have had more given to them, they tend to be more disappointed and unable to carry on when something doesn’t go their way, and that’s not my parents. – Hong Chau
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