Ben Domenech I stopped being a Republican because of the Iraq War. – Ben Domenech Iraq Quotes Republican Quotes Stopped Quotes War Quotes Try to name any meaningful thing Hillary Clinton accomplished in her role as Secretary of State. The small things she did accomplish have almost universally turned out badly. Ordinary people in such positions – working at firms, companies, or chains – have the absolute right to have their voice in the public square.
Francia Raisa My eyelashes are divas, so they will like a mascara brand one week or for a month, and then they’ll just stop working for it. I go back and forth between Maybelline and Cover Girl, and then I carry around a primer, too. – Francia Raisa
ChristmasMira Nair Christmas lights may be the loneliest thing for me, especially if you mix them up with reindeers and sleighs. I feel alone. I feel isolated. I feel I do not belong. – Mira Nair
Elizabeth WurtzelRomantic I was meant to date the captain of the football team, I was going to be on a romantic excursion every Saturday night, I was destined to be collecting corsages from every boy in town before prom, accepting such floral offerings like competing sacrifices to a Delphic goddess. – Elizabeth Wurtzel
Hoda Kotb I have a horrible sweet tooth. It’s gotten to the point where if I throw a cookie in the garbage, I have to douse it in Cascade. Otherwise, why wouldn’t I take it out and eat it? – Hoda Kotb
Isaac NewtonRespect God’ is a relative word and has a respect to servants, and ‘Deity’ is the dominion of God, not over his own body, as those imagine who fancy God to be the soul of the world, but over servants. – Isaac Newton
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