Garth Nix I studied writing at university, and I actually majored in screenwriting. Then I went to work as a bookseller and then as a sales rep and publicist and then various editorial jobs until I ended up with HarperCollins in Australia. – Garth Nix Australia Quotes Bookseller Quotes Editorial Quotes Harpercollins Quotes Jobs Quotes Majored Quotes Publicist Quotes Rep Quotes Sales Quotes Screenwriting Quotes Studied Quotes University Quotes Writing Quotes Unlike the stereotypical author, I’ve never had a job as a short-order cook, but I love cooking hot breakfasts for lots of people, juggling the eggs and the bacon and the tomatoes and the fried potatoes and so on. I loved publishing; I loved working in the book industry, but I’ve been writing pretty much nonstop since I was 19. I realized very early on that I would need a day job, and I wanted one that was in books.
Maureen Dowd And as far as doing God’s work, I think the bankers who took government money and then gave out obscene bonuses are the same self-interested sorts Jesus threw out of the temple. – Maureen Dowd
Scott Rogowsky This is the evolution of television. It just keeps evolving from three networks, four cable networks, satellite. Now there’s Internet channels and the phone. – Scott Rogowsky
Nadiya Hussain Traditionally baklava is made by using honey – but I’m making it extra sweet and extra sticky by using golden syrup. – Nadiya Hussain
Joey Jordison I got really, really sick with a horrible disease called transverse myelitis; I lost my legs. I couldn’t play anymore. It was a form of multiple sclerosis, which I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. – Joey Jordison
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