G-Dragon I study my fans all the time, and what I learn from them will definitely be reflected in my future work. – G-Dragon Fans Quotes Future Quotes Learn Quotes Reflected Quotes Study Quotes Time Quotes I just try to look good always. Before I was physically there in different countries to meet my fans in person, I didn’t really realize how famous I was.
Casey Stengel They told me my services were no longer desired because they wanted to put in a youth program as an advance way of keeping the club going. I’ll never make the mistake of being seventy again. – Casey Stengel
John Wesley Shipp The stage is bigger than life. There you are projecting to an audience. In television, you’re drawing the camera in to you. And with TV, there isn’t that immediate feedback from an audience. You do hours and hours of taping and never get that response. – John Wesley Shipp
Bob Hope She said she was approaching forty, and I couldn’t help wondering from what direction. – Bob Hope
Julianne Hough Okay, I’ll say I would go back in time and bring scientists with me and create a hairspray that would not cause global warming. But it would still give us ’80s hair. – Julianne Hough
Russell Howard Audiences around the world are all pretty similar. People just rock up and want to have a laugh, although Americans whoop more than English crowds. – Russell Howard
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