Henry R Luce I suggest that what we want to do is not to leave to posterity a great institution, but to leave behind a great tradition of journalism ably practiced in our time. – Henry R Luce Ably Quotes Institution Quotes Journalism Quotes Leave Quotes Posterity Quotes Practiced Quotes Time Quotes Tradition Quotes Time should make enemies and Life should make friends. Publishing is a business, but journalism never was and is not essentially a business. Nor is it a profession.
Johnny Carson If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead. – Johnny Carson
Eileen Atkins There seem to be two sorts of actors. Some people play themselves marvellously, and others, like me, rather like to become someone else. – Eileen Atkins
Laura Wasser Especially where financial matters are concerned, when it comes to dissolving a marriage, any dissembling at all is strictly against the law – on penalty of perjury. You need to disclose fully and factually, which is precisely what the discovery process is all about. – Laura Wasser
Nuseir Yassin Often times people forget that every human has potential to change the world like Steve Jobs did. – Nuseir Yassin
Jermaine Dupri They keep the song as street as it needs to be. It’s got a good catchy hook where it can do what it needs to do on the radio, but they keep the song street where it will keep credibility in the hood. – Jermaine Dupri
Pamela Adlon There’s something in my voice tonally that’s like a boy, so I started being able to do boy voices and to be known as having a naturalistic boy tone without pushing it. – Pamela Adlon
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