George Cukor I suppose they call me a woman’s director because there were all these movie queens in the old days, and I directed most of them. But I also directed Jack Barrymore and Ronald Colman and James Stewart, to name a few. – George Cukor Barrymore Quotes Colman Quotes Days Quotes Directed Quotes Director Quotes Jack Quotes James Quotes Movie Quotes Queens Quotes Ronald Quotes Stewart Quotes Suppose Quotes Womans Quotes You’re just poor cornball provincial people, you critics; you just don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. I don’t think you can teach people how to be funny. You can make suggestions about how to speak a line or get a laugh, but it has to be in them.
Clarence Thomas The myths that are created about the South, about the way we grew up, about black people, are wrong. – Clarence Thomas
Sara Zarr My books have been translated into various languages and sold in other countries, but I never have any contact with the foreign publishers and am so disconnected from that process that it seems almost imaginary. With ‘How to Save a Life’, I worked closely with Usborne editors and have been involved in the publicity. – Sara Zarr
Eric Weddle We came from a neighborhood that was kind of older, so we didn’t have that many kids that would go out and play. We moved into a neighborhood that has, like, 50 kids in it. There are 12 houses where we kind of all share a big backyard, and we’re all circled in there. If one kid goes out there, they all go out and play. – Eric Weddle
ArtArthur SchopenhauerReligion Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think. – Arthur Schopenhauer
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