Chris Cooper I suspect that a lot of studio executives still think of me as ‘what’s-his-name’. – Chris Cooper Executives Quotes Lot Quotes Studio Quotes Suspect Quotes Whatshisname Quotes I’m thrilled with my body of work. I don’t want to go bald, I don’t know what’s coming up next.
MorningSarah Michelle Gellar The episodes all blend together for me, so I don’t remember. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. I always feel I must be such a disappointment to them. – Sarah Michelle Gellar
DeathTahar Ben Jelloun Emigration is no longer a solution; it’s a defeat. People are risking death, drowning every day, but they’re knocking on doors that are not open. – Tahar Ben Jelloun
Roger Daltrey Well, for the My Generation album, there was nothing to be nervous about in them days. We used to take every day as it came. Every day was just a gig and I think we did the recording between gigs literally. – Roger Daltrey
Mike MurdockRelationshipStrength Each relationship nurtures a strength or weakness within you. – Mike Murdock
Don Cheadle Many of my friends and family are scratching it out somewhere decidedly south of the ever widening gap between the haves and have nots, looking at losing their homes, colleges they can’t afford and healthcare they can’t avail themselves of. – Don Cheadle
Geraldine Stutz Marriage is a linchpin in many women’s lives, but many other things can create a satisfying life. I adore my career. It stretches every physical, emotional, and intellectual muscle I have. – Geraldine Stutz
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