Greg Davies I swam for the county when I was 12. You wouldn’t think it to look at me now, but I’m as graceful as a seal. – Greg Davies County Quotes Graceful Quotes Seal Quotes Swam Quotes Kids are great. They are endlessly fascinating and bizarre. But I also think that if I had left them on their own for long enough, one of them would have been eaten. If you want something badly enough, you go for it.
Bruce Sutter Goose Gossage is a friend of mine, and he’s definitely a Hall of Fame pitcher in my mind. – Bruce Sutter
Jessie James Decker I was always meant to be a mom. As soon as I had my kids, it just felt so natural. – Jessie James Decker
Mark Frauenfelder Coming up with a way to fix mistakes challenges your creativity and your critical thinking skills and your resourcefulness. Often you end up with something better than what you planned on in the first place. – Mark Frauenfelder
Scott DesJarlais Our men and women in uniform are owed the right to protect themselves and others while in service of our country. – Scott DesJarlais
Jill Greenberg As ecstatic as I was at the birth of my daughter, I felt selfish bringing her, and later my son, into our screwed-up world. – Jill Greenberg
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