Fantastic Negrito I take the purest and hardest forms of music… and come in completely fresh from a production standpoint. It’s like hip-hop production, because there’s a lot of taking the best parts and a lot of the repetitiveness. – Fantastic Negrito Completely Quotes Forms Quotes Fresh Quotes Hardest Quotes Hiphop Quotes Lot Quotes Music Quotes Production Quotes Purest Quotes Repetitiveness Quotes Standpoint Quotes Nothing unifies people more than music, more than that universal riff. The one thing that unifies us and the hope that we can have, especially being an artist, is that we can create music that can build bridges and smash down very bad ideas. I love the power of music and artistry and feel a responsibility having a platform to preach good things.
Abraham Verghese I still find the best way to understand a hospitalized patient whose care I am taking over is not by staring at the computer screen but by going to see the patient; it’s only at the bedside that I can figure out what is important. – Abraham Verghese
Anthony Fauci The most pressing ethical question is to make sure that everything you do from a scientific standpoint is done for the ultimate good and positive issue for the people that you’re caring about. – Anthony Fauci
Evgeny Morozov Russian young people spend countless hours online downloading videos and having a very nice digital entertainment lifestyle, which does not necessarily turn them into the next Che Guevara. – Evgeny Morozov
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