Jayne Anne Phillips I tell my students that being a writer is like being a member of a medieval guild and that what we are doing is very subversive and very important. – Jayne Anne Phillips Guild Quotes Medieval Quotes Students Quotes Subversive Quotes Writer Quotes I wish I had more time to write. I don’t write a novel every two years.
Nick Cannon In the hip-hop community, it’s about how real are you, or how strong can you be, and really my music just reflects me. If you can accept me, then you can accept my music. – Nick Cannon
Kevin J Anderson The people who make policy decisions should damned well know what they are talking about before they make the decisions. There is nobody who is an expert on cloning who would be afraid after seeing Attack of the Clones. – Kevin J Anderson
Rege-Jean Page I don’t think that it’s ever irrelevant to know where you came from, to know your history, and to improve upon your history. – Rege-Jean Page
Daryl Davis I don’t consider myself to be a racist, but to me there’s not much difference between a black racist or a white racist. – Daryl Davis
Eric Metaxas Wilberforce, because of his faith, stood up for African slaves. Bonhoeffer, because of his faith, stood up for Jews. That’s Christianity to me. – Eric Metaxas
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