Anne Reid I tell myself things will be different in a few years’ time, but this is the most wonderful, golden time for me. I’m basking in the success of ‘Tango’, really loving it. – Anne Reid Basking Quotes Golden Quotes Loving Quotes Success Quotes Tango Quotes Time Quotes Wonderful Quotes I should be in an old people’s home now, counting the roses in the wallpaper. It’s a good life, isn’t it? My first big disappointment is always, why don’t I look like Julie Christie? Then I realise I don’t look remotely like Julie Christie, and that’s always a great sadness to me. Because I used to think I might have done, at one time. And I’m too fat. And I’m too old. You always see your faults, you see.
Leon Kass Even if certain rogue countries do things we wish nobody did, it doesn’t necessarily mean that their foolishness should justify our following suit. – Leon Kass
Stanley Donen What we all like in life, I think, is the challenge of making something… that is not easy to do. – Stanley Donen
Charlie ChaplinGreatMen Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded. – Charlie Chaplin
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