Maharishi Mahesh Yogi I tell people in Chicago to take care of themselves. – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Care Quotes Chicago Quotes People Quotes My coherence-creating groups are going to put out all this mischief-mongership in the world. The United States influences government and life everywhere else.
John Witherspoon My father was a preacher so I wouldn’t sing at all when he was around, but as soon as he locked the door, ‘La la la.’ – John Witherspoon
Lili Reinhart I really look up to Ashley Graham and how she promotes her body and flaunts it. She’s beautiful and stunning, and I’m not going to say I love her body on Instagram and talk about it poorly in my personal life. – Lili Reinhart
Manny Ramirez Hitting is hard. It comes and it goes. You can’t tell which way it is going to go for you. So you just have to go with it. I’m not going to go crazy worrying about it. – Manny Ramirez
Larry Wall To be a good artist, you have to serve the work of art and allow it to be what it is supposed to be. – Larry Wall
Barney RossMorning All we had aboard the ship that morning was one Annapolis graduate and three reserves. – Barney Ross
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