James Loeb I therefore set to work, and after two and a half years of not inconsiderable labour I now have the privilege and the satisfaction of accompanying the early volumes of the series with this preface. – James Loeb Accompanying Quotes Inconsiderable Quotes Labour Quotes Preface Quotes Privilege Quotes Satisfaction Quotes Series Quotes Set Quotes Volumes Quotes Wherever modern translations of marked excellence were already in existence efforts were made to secure them for the Library, but in a number of instances copyright could not be obtained. Before venturing on so large an undertaking as is involved in the task I had set myself I consulted a number of distinguished scholars as to the desirability of such a series.
Bibi Bourelly I believe that I exist for the people. I’m just here to try to make a difference, and hopefully, the people listen and trust me enough to contribute. – Bibi Bourelly
Jason Ralph Acting is a funny job because you’re always playing a hundred levels of pretend, but when you’re working with great designers who end up doing a lot of that work for you, you can focus on the things you want to focus on. – Jason Ralph
FearMary Lyon There is nothing in the universe that I fear, but that I shall not know all my duty, or shall fail to do it. – Mary Lyon
Neil Bush Whatever your cause, whatever your motivation, I hope you’ll agree with me that volunteer service is an extraordinary gift. – Neil Bush
Jayson Tatum You gotta have confidence in yourself first before anybody else will. I’ve always had that. – Jayson Tatum
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