Ron Williams I think about culture and values as curbs on a highway. When the curbs are high enough, a vehicle can veer to the left or right, but the curbs keep the car on the road. It is the CEO’s job to build those curbs as high as possible. – Ron Williams Build Quotes Car Quotes Ceos Quotes Culture Quotes Curbs Quotes Highway Quotes Job Quotes Left Quotes Road Quotes Values Quotes Veer Quotes Vehicle Quotes My belief is that a positive culture works best because people want to meet or exceed expectations, not demands. A positive, high-performance culture can quickly turn negative if the CEO is not rigorous in constantly articulating values and holding people accountable for both results and values.
Felipe Massa Honestly, I think they need to work to improve the categories. If the driver goes from the go-kart to F3 one year and then to F1, why do we have GP3, GP2? – Felipe Massa
Aaron Ramsey I started off playing rugby league as well as union. I switched between fly-half and wing, but I preferred to play fly-half. I liked to be at the heart of everything. I liked to be involved. – Aaron Ramsey
Monica Bellucci Truly, I am a woman of the last minute. When I was pregnant, I organised three different hospitals because I couldn’t decide where I wanted to have my baby: London, Rome or Paris. In the end, I decided to go to Rome, arrived on the Monday and gave birth on the Saturday. – Monica Bellucci
Sugata Mitra Experiments show that children in unsupervised groups are capable of answering questions many years ahead of the material they’re learning in school. In fact, they seem to enjoy the absence of adult supervision, and they are very confident of finding the right answer. – Sugata Mitra
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