Justine Bateman I think aging and maturing is really interesting, and it’s a shame that Americans are so panicky and paranoid about it. – Justine Bateman Aging Quotes Americans_ Quotes Maturing Quotes Panicky Quotes Paranoid Quotes Shame Quotes When I was in my teens and 20s, I looked to older Italian and French women. They always seemed so incredibly attractive to me because of their confidence. And because their faces had evidence of age: lines, dark circles, and half-lidded eyes, it made that confidence so rebellious. And that was incredibly attractive to me. I realized I was an anorexic, a bulimic, and a compulsive overeater.
Owen Jones Private schools do confer other advantages, of course: whether it be networks, or a sense of confidence that can shade into a poisonous sense of social superiority. – Owen Jones
Jae Crowder I make $7 million per year. I’m not going to be mad at a guy making $10 million. We’re still millionaires. – Jae Crowder
Kate Crawford While many big-data providers do their best to de-identify individuals from human-subject data sets, the risk of re-identification is very real. – Kate Crawford
Sal Mineo It would be easy to blame Hollywood to say that I was typed and forced to play the same role over and over. For a while, I did. But the truth is that I knew what I was doing. I was enjoying myself. I was making money. – Sal Mineo
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