David Stern I think anyone who doesn’t say that they’d like people to think that they’re doing the right thing is wrong. I mean, I’d like it to be that way, but I’ve never allowed it to influence my actions. – David Stern Actions Quotes Allowed Quotes Influence Quotes People Quotes Wrong Quotes We need a system where all of our teams have the opportunity to compete and to make a few dollars. That’s not a bad desire for collective bargaining for a sports league, and it’s great for our fans. I’m not big on looking back beyond the moment in which decisions and events occur. I’m always pushing forward.
Alan RickmanFreedom I think there’s some connection between absolute discipline and absolute freedom. – Alan Rickman
DietHrithik Roshan People still get shocked when they see me eat a whole box of chocolates. I don’t psyche myself out – I know how to balance my meals even when I am not on a strict diet. – Hrithik Roshan
Aubrey de Grey The aim is to postpone frailty, postpone degenerative disease, debilitation and so on and thereby shorten the period at the end of life, which is passed in a decrepit or disabled state, while extending life as a whole. – Aubrey de Grey
Barbara Eden Out of all the actors I have worked with, I love working with Larry Hagman the most. We were very close and it was just a wonderful time. – Barbara Eden
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