Jimmy Chin I think being a good dad is on the list of things to do. But, I will always ski, climb, surf, and be out in the mountains and oceans. It’s who I am. My goal is to just keep doing it all and enjoying it. – Jimmy Chin Climb Quotes Dad Quotes Enjoying Quotes Goal Quotes List Quotes Mountains Quotes Oceans Quotes Ski Quotes Surf Quotes On climbs, there is a general way we manage fear. We look at things objectively, separating out perceived risk from real risk. You can really bring down the level of fear by knowing the real risks and setting aside the others. You also know that panicking just makes things worse. You can show up at Everest having never really climbed before, because it’s like hiking, basically. You can’t show up on Meru and start up the thing unless you have years and years of experience. Climbing and spending time on the mountains is really the only way you can train.
Stephanie Labbe You may only touch the ball 10 or 15 times in a 90-minute game, so you always need to be present and engaged. – Stephanie Labbe
Joel Silver There aren’t a lot of guys like me left. But I’m a war horse. I’ve been through it all. And you know something about war horses? Through the sleet, through the snow, they just keep going. – Joel Silver
Mario Batali As they say in Italy, Italians were eating with a knife and fork when the French were still eating each other. The Medici family had to bring their Tuscan cooks up there so they could make something edible. – Mario Batali
Francis Darwin There seems to be one quality of mind which seems to be of special and extreme advantage in leading him to make discoveries. It was the power of never letting exceptions go unnoticed. – Francis Darwin
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