Jacob TremblayThankful I think being thankful is very important, and being thankful means you’re choosing to be kind. – Jacob Tremblay Choosing Quotes Thankful Quotes My fans are definitely my shareholders, and I’m extremely thankful for them. This is something I’ve wanted to do my whole life is play baseball, and I think just the opportunity to put on a big-league uniform every day is just… you know, people dream of it, but not everybody gets to do it. I’m thankful every day I get to do it.
Brian Keene I tend to spend a lot of time building characters that the reader will believe in and sympathize with. – Brian Keene
Kevin Morby Anytime I’m locked out of somewhere with another person, I can usually pick the lock successfully. And then I feel like James Bond. – Kevin Morby
Chloe Sevigny There’s this index that tallies up how much your movies have made, and if they haven’t grossed a certain amount, then you’re not bankable. I know I’m not Will Smith but, you know, my ranking’s pretty low. The only studio picture I’ve done is ‘Zodiac,’ and that didn’t perform that well. – Chloe Sevigny
BestEli RothMovies Horror movies are the best date movies. There’s no wondering, ‘When do I put my arm around her?’ – Eli Roth
Jason Sudeikis People are getting cynical about the news. It doesn’t seem like there’s one place to watch where you get the straight dope. You watch the channel that proves your point. – Jason Sudeikis
Gustavo Santaolalla I love to get involved with projects that take me out of my comfort zone. I try to do things that are not necessarily what I’m used to. I always wanted to do a big animation movie and stick to the codes that this genre sometimes implies. – Gustavo Santaolalla
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