Elizabeth Berg I think Chicago is the best city in the country, hands down, but I don’t like the winter there anymore. – Elizabeth Berg Chicago Quotes City Quotes Country Quotes Hands Quotes Winter Quotes Everybody complains about getting older, but I find it such a rich time of life. There are negative things about it, I suppose, but more than that, I’m finding it to be a very positive experience in which growth suggests itself in a much more alluring way than it did when I was young – isn’t that funny? When I lived alone in Chicago, I had a lot of loneliness issues.
Kelly Cutrone If people decide thin is out, the fashion industry won’t have thin models anymore. Have you spent time with fashion people? They are ruthless. They want money. And the one thing they know is people want clothes to cover their bodies. Unfortunately, most people aren’t comfortable with their bodies. – Kelly Cutrone
Nick Park My dream was to draw for ‘The Beano.’ When I was 10 years old, I started drawing cartoon strips with ‘The Beano’ in mind. I lived in that world. You own a comic, it’s yours and adults don’t understand it. You could pile them up under the bed, and if you were off school ill, you’d go through them all. – Nick Park
Johnny Weir I want to create things while I have time on Earth, and the art of costume and culture has always inspired me. – Johnny Weir
Pete Holmes So we have the story of who we are. I’m a man, and I’m a comedian, and I’m a tall man. I have big teeth and all these things, and I like the first two Batman movies, and I don’t drink coffee, or whatever it is. – Pete Holmes
Joe Thomas I can say confidently that I don’t think Austin Corbett is going to play tackle in the NFL. – Joe Thomas
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