Al Roker I think dads let babies take more of a risk, maybe bounce off a bed more or jump off a couch or do more risk-taking things. – Al Roker Babies Quotes Bed Quotes Bounce Quotes Couch Quotes Dads Quotes Jump Quotes Risk Quotes Risktaking Quotes We try to eat at home four or five days a week. I would say that children are more resilient than you realize, and that as long as you love them, there is no right way to raise your children. You have to find your own way. It’s your way and it’s your child.
Bruce Campbell People who sleep around to get roles are frail and scared and most likely without talent. It’s their own little horror show that only they can deal with. – Bruce Campbell
Sibel Edmonds I understand the Saudis have been named because fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. – Sibel Edmonds
Jonathan Swift Nothing is so great an example of bad manners as flattery. If you flatter all the company, you please none; If you flatter only one or two, you offend the rest. – Jonathan Swift
Jay Griffiths Children say they are unhappy in every language they have. They say it in silence, and they say it in riots. – Jay Griffiths
Mark Hoppus Parents don’t understand kids and kids don’t understand parents. My parents were divorced when I was really young and I went to live with my dad. – Mark Hoppus
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