Dusty Hill I think environment is more important to us than even equipment and the studio. – Dusty Hill Environment Quotes Equipment Quotes Studio Quotes I love playing music and I’m serious about It. But It’s not brain surgery. Usually we’re always working on something with this band a tour, making an album or a video or whatever. I don’t have any desire to do anything outside this band, except play a movie part or something.
EqualityJim James I just think bad vibes and hate and Trump are getting so much airtime, we need to speak out loud for peace and equality and fairness and make sure we all know that there are a lot of us out here in the world that just want love. – Jim James
Steph McGovern My first attempt at a business was a jumble sale which I ran at the end of my next door neighbour’s drive. I used to rummage through her garage, looking for anything that I thought people might buy. I’d then set up a table and try to sell what I could to the people walking by. – Steph McGovern
Aileen Lee If a firm hasn’t hired a single female partner in its history, I don’t think it will finally happen by accident. – Aileen Lee
Cody Garbrandt The quickest time to rehydrate is right after you’re done training, so I’m always carrying these gallons of water to drink, drink, drink so my body can recover faster. And that’s a huge part of being able to take damage, by the way. If you’re hydrated, your brain is lubricated, you can take bigger shots. – Cody Garbrandt
DeathMichael Rosen Death is shot through with the details and colours of the lives that were lived. – Michael Rosen
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