Chris Van Allsburg I think, for the most part, our culture embraces that artists are born, not made. – Chris Van Allsburg Artists Quotes Born Quotes Culture Quotes Embraces Quotes I try to satisfy the desires that people have to have their books personalized. That’s a value, or feature, of bibliophilia that may vanish. How do you get your e-book signed? The idea of people standing in line to get my signature in their book, it’s hard to turn them away. I think most people agree there is a component of skill in art making; you have to learn grammar before you learn how to write.
Sarah Shahi Cheerleading was my way in. It was one of the most rigorous audition processes ever. It definitely groomed me for Hollywood. – Sarah Shahi
Mahershala Ali Your life, your circumstances change, and you have to continue to grow as a person, and once you have means and opportunity, you have to make different choices to protect what you have. – Mahershala Ali
FamilyMark Wahlberg For me, family always comes first; I would do anything to protect them. – Mark Wahlberg
Jane Green I believe it is the flaws that make us interesting, our backgrounds, the hardships. – Jane Green
Suzanne Collins It’s embarrassing to admit how many times I’ve reread the following: ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,’ ‘1984,’ ‘Lord of the Flies,’ ‘The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter,’ ‘Germinal,’ ‘We Have Always Lived in the Castle,’ and ‘A Moveable Feast.’ – Suzanne Collins
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