Saswata Chatterjee I think from ‘Hemanta’ to ‘Eagler Chokh’ and ‘Natoker Mato’ in between, there has been Shakespearean touch in Bengali films and that is because Bengalis are hooked to theater. – Saswata Chatterjee Bengali Quotes Bengalis Quotes Chokh Quotes Eagler Quotes Films Quotes Hemanta Quotes Hooked Quotes Mato Quotes Natoker Quotes Shakespearean Quotes Theater Quotes Touch Quotes I look like a typical Bengali. Whereas the qualities people were used to seeing in heroes were dance and action, which aren’t really Bengali characteristics. Here in Bengal the production has to work under more pressing schedules partly caused by monetary reasons as the shooting has to be wrapped up within a limited number of days to prevent cost overrun and hence there is not much scope to rethink and alter.
Susan Fowler Stepping back, just being in my little Stoicism Susan bubble, if what people know you for is bringing light to an issue about bad behavior, about bad stuff going on and laws not being followed and people being treated inappropriately, why wouldn’t I want that? That’s a badge of honor. – Susan Fowler
Heart Evangelista Sosy should be a good term. Sosy should be a happy-go-lucky, good vibes girl, wants to make friends, enjoy life. – Heart Evangelista
Francesca Lia Block Write with abandon and no constraints for first draft. Cut brutally and save in separate files on second draft. Add conflict; don’t be afraid to make your characters suffer. Read what you love. Write what you love. Love. – Francesca Lia Block
Laurie Graham People invade your space and offend your sensibilities because, to be plain, they couldn’t care less about you. – Laurie Graham
Mickey Arthur That unpredictability tag always sort of hangs around the Pakistan team, but that makes us very exciting as well. – Mickey Arthur
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