Mattie Stepanek I think I may have to grow up without growing old. I think we’re going to have to define differently what I’m going to be. We’re going to have to define my growing up differently. – Mattie Stepanek Define Quotes Grow Quotes Growing Quotes I want to be remembered as a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher who played. I write to express my thoughts, my feelings. I want people to think.
Burt Ward On our show, I must tell you, it was… the 60s was a period of time when everything was free love. People made love to each other. It was a very open life, you know? – Burt Ward
Jessica Henwick As a female actress – I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager – I often got approached with the ingenue roles: naive and wide-eyed and childlike. – Jessica Henwick
John B S Haldane And if we must educate our poets and artists in science, we must educate our masters, labour and capital, in art. – John B S Haldane
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