Marsha P Johnson I think if transvestites don’t stand up for themselves, nobody else is going to stand up for transvestites. – Marsha P Johnson Stand Quotes Transvestites Quotes Now they got two little nice statues in Chariot Park to remember the gay movement. How many people have died for these two little statues to be put in the park for them to recognize gay people? I don’t think you should be ashamed of anybody that you know that has AIDS. You should stand as close to them as you can and help them out as much as you can. I’m a strong believer in that and that’s why I try to do that for everyone I know that has the virus.
Sergey Galitsky When we cut the price for bananas by 1 ruble, we sell 100 tons a day more… There are people who live within their budget. – Sergey Galitsky
John CenaRespect Be loyal to those who are loyal to you. And respect everyone, even your enemies and competition. – John Cena
BirthdayRomesh Ranganathan I have always told my family that I don’t want my birthday to be celebrated and that they shouldn’t get me anything, even though if they didn’t I’d probably write a standup routine about it. – Romesh Ranganathan
Jimmy Iovine Apple, of all the global tech companies, was the one that understood why artists make things. – Jimmy Iovine
John Burdett I discovered that Thailand was one of those countries, like Sri Lanka and India, where memory of past lives used to be commonplace. Go back a few generations, and you find people talking about earlier lives with total certainty. – John Burdett
Janis Karpinski They transfer the prison, and all of a sudden all this money cuts loose, all these people cut loose. – Janis Karpinski
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