Sebastian Bach I think if you can get to that point, exercising, when you really enjoy it, then you’re pretty much set for life. – Sebastian Bach Enjoy Quotes Exercising Quotes Life Quotes Pretty Quotes Set Quotes I think that the best rock n’ roll is about the spirit of being young, the feeling of being 16 and getting crazy with your friends and going out to a show and just that whole feeling. The worst thing I ever wore, really, was rubber pants, but I don’t think that was a cliche. They were just way too hot. Rubber doesn’t breathe. I look back on my photos, and I dig them. I think I look really cool.
Ben E King The Phil Spector that I would meet has always been a nice, quiet, little guy who’s very serious about his work; obviously you can tell that because each and everything he’s ever done has always been charted. – Ben E King
Ego Nwodim Anytime I can feel proud of my work or performance, for me, that’s a success. – Ego Nwodim
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