IndependenceLucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II I think it eminently proper that a president should retire from active politics, and equally proper that he should be able to live in quiet independence. – Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II Active Quotes Eminently Quotes Equally Quotes Independence Quotes Live Quotes Politics Quotes President Quotes Proper Quotes Quiet Quotes Retire Quotes The world is independent of my will. There are beautiful words in the Bible and in our pledges and the Declaration of Independence.
Bobby Moynihan Me, Billy Crystal and John Goodman hang out non-stop, and all we do is silly voices. We hang out in a little closet and do voices together. – Bobby Moynihan
Sarah Gadon Since ‘A Dangerous Method,’ I’ve had meetings with everyone from J.J. Abrams to the producers of ‘Drive.’ And they all have the same thing in common; they say: ‘Wow you worked with Cronenberg.’ He gave me instant film cred. – Sarah Gadon
Helmut Kohl In a democracy, if you don’t get the votes, nothing else is possible, no matter how wonderful your dreams. – Helmut Kohl
Joseph Fiennes People call my family a dynasty, but I’m not sure what a dynasty actually is. And I don’t feel part of one. It belies the truth of my real upbringing, which wasn’t grand at all, and it flies in the face of the fact that, at root, I’m just a jobbing actor. – Joseph Fiennes
Brendan IribeMedical You put on this set of goggles, and within seconds, your brain is convinced you’re now in a different, virtual environment. You’re somewhere else, and that somewhere else may be a video game, it may be in a real-time movie, a museum exhibit, or a medical surgical training app. – Brendan Iribe
Oneohtrix Point Never I’m like soft Ray Manzarek. I think of the keyboard as almost like a bass or a lead. – Oneohtrix Point Never
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