Steffi Graf I think it takes people to get to know you and the recognition comes over time. – Steffi Graf People Quotes Recognition Quotes Takes Quotes Time Quotes I had a lot of different thoughts and ideas and always to transform, but I’m trying certain things that I feel my heart is really going for and that was one of the things that I initiated a few months ago. I appreciate very much being injury-free.
Sania Mirza I’m not a perfect Muslim; I think none of us are perfect human beings. I do the five pillars of Islam, you know, I pray five times a day. – Sania Mirza
Edward Burns I feel Irish-Americans are the forgotten minority group. Nobody else is making films about them. – Edward Burns
Rudy Ray Moore Back in the 1970s, it was mostly all-black audiences coming into the theaters. So, we presented stories they could relate to. – Rudy Ray Moore
Andy Taylor If you were looking at where you would like your career to go, then you would have to cherry pick The Stones. People love coming to see them. They are it, they are the most definitive rock n roll band ever. – Andy Taylor
Joseph Needham Although there is a very large literature, still growing almost daily, on the Chinese calendar, its interest is, we suggest, much more archaeological and historical than scientific. – Joseph Needham
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