Bojan Bogdanovic I think it’s good for me to play in Fenerbahce, and play at a high level in the Euroleague. – Bojan Bogdanovic Euroleague Quotes Fenerbahce Quotes Level Quotes Play Quotes I’m glad and proud to finally come overseas to play for Brooklyn. Everybody is trying to help me, to give me confidence, telling me that I’m a good player. Because I look shy on the court. So I have to be more aggressive.
Bhavish Aggarwal When I explained my business model to my family, they asked if I was going to open a travel agency. – Bhavish Aggarwal
HumorPeter Eisenman I’m a Larry David fan, right? And it seems to me that Jewish history from the Talmud on has been a self-deprecating, self-critical kind of humor. – Peter Eisenman
Jon M Chu When you are young, coming into this business, you’re told how the business works, and you feel very lucky to be here and want to stick around, so you believe the data, and you believe the conversations you’re having where they say, ‘You can’t have that kind of lead because they don’t travel here,’ or, ‘People will think it’s not for them.’ – Jon M Chu
Chris Meledandri My experience is that there’s absolutely a correlation between the enthusiasm within an animation studio for a given character and the enthusiasm the audience feels when seeing the movie. – Chris Meledandri
Sharan Burrow When governments are cowed or simply don’t care to enforce fundamental human and labour rights or to ensure corporate tax is paid so that they can invest in social protection and in the health and education of their people, they cede control to corporate greed. – Sharan Burrow
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