Jamie Parker I think it’s harder to write about joy than pain, isn’t it? – Jamie Parker Harder Quotes Joy Quotes Pain Quotes Write Quotes I miss the generation of actors such as John Mills, where it doesn’t surprise you at all when he crops up in a film tap-dancing. I’ve done a lot of shows over a long time, and I’ve lost my voice on plays before, and it’s because I’ve been thinking closely about what I’m doing with my voice. Babies can scream all day and never lose their voice because they just mean it. As long as you mean it, then it carries you through. It’s do it or don’t.
Juliette Binoche I try to see my films just once. it’s like a dream you’ve been through when it’s been intense, and you just have to go through it once more just to make sure you’ve had it. – Juliette Binoche
Jamie Johnson I know people socially who live in countries where the wealth gap is more extreme than it is in America, and they live with full-time security. They live with the threat of getting kidnapped, or they live with the threat of people invading their homes. – Jamie Johnson
Lewis Gordon Pugh We need to save the Arctic not because of the polar bears, and not because it is the most beautiful place in the world, but because our very survival depends upon it. – Lewis Gordon Pugh
Stephanie Tubbs Jones If they’re willing to stand at polls for countless hours in the rain, as many did, then I should surely stand up for them here in the halls of Congress. – Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Aditya Dhar In the last 10 to 12 years when things were not going my way, I was just writing scripts. I have a bank of 10 to 12 scripts for web-series, films and short films. – Aditya Dhar
Milkha Singh My parents had a small piece of land to earn a living from, but my father always wanted to educate his children. – Milkha Singh
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