Edward Zwick I think it’s too easy often to find a villain out of the headlines and to then repeat that villainy again and again and again. You know, traditionally, America has always looked to scapegoat someone as the boogie man. – Edward Zwick America Quotes Boogie Quotes Easy Quotes Headlines Quotes Looked Quotes Repeat Quotes Scapegoat Quotes Traditionally Quotes Villain Quotes Villainy Quotes I think one of the privileges of being a filmmaker is the opportunity to remain a kind of perpetual student. I look at modern life and I see people not taking responsibility for their lives. The temptation to blame, to find external causes to one’s own issues is something that is particularly modern. I know that personally I find that sense of responsibility interesting.
AttitudeDietRicki-Lee Coulter One day I looked in the mirror, and I wasn’t happy. If you’re not feeling good mentally, emotionally and physically, you’re just a mess – and that’s the point I felt like. It was a change in attitude and a shift in lifestyle. There’s no crazy diet; I train six days a week, and I eat really well. – Ricki-Lee Coulter
Richard DreyfussTeacher I decided at age 9, but I was reinforced at age 13 when a teacher told me I had talent. I can’t say she really motivated me because I already knew. I knew I had talent. I went to the Jewish community theater and got in plays there. Then I went for the movies.’ – Richard Dreyfuss
Marvin Olasky Most organizations should be pro-active, but philanthropists concerned with poverty should deliberately be reactive, learning from the efforts of ordinary folks who tired of looking the other way as their communities fell apart. – Marvin Olasky
Lauren Alaina Doin’ Fine’ is a really special song because it’s uplifting but really honest at the same time. – Lauren Alaina
Raney Aronson-Rath I always wish I had a road map for how to navigate my life as a parent and a producer, but in truth, it’s a lot of trial and error. – Raney Aronson-Rath
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