Bob Lilly I think Jim Taylor was very underrated, never hear much about him. We played Green Bay every year in exhibition, and generally we played them every couple of years in regular season. And I always thought he was a fierce competitor. – Bob Lilly Bay Quotes Competitor Quotes Couple Quotes Exhibition Quotes Fierce Quotes Green Quotes Hear Quotes Jim Quotes Played Quotes Regular Quotes Season Quotes Taylor Quotes Underrated Quotes I attribute my entire football career, as far as getting me started, getting me interested, keeping me that way was my father. He went to every game even though he was crippled and wasn’t real healthy.
Charles Kennedy I can hardly think of an occasion when I’ve got into a stand-up fight with any political opponent. I’ve got my views, people know what they are, they can agree or they can choose to disagree. I’m not going to waste time just rubbishing everybody else. – Charles Kennedy
Jodi Benson I think God calls and encourages us to dream big, but sometimes we put God in a box in a very small way, when God wants us to look outside the box. – Jodi Benson
David Edwards You play a ‘lowdown dirty shame slow and lonesome, my mama dead, my papa across the sea I ain’t dead but I’m just supposed to be’ blues. You can take that same blues, make it uptempo, a shuffle blues, that’s what rock n’ roll did with it. So blues ain’t going nowhere. Ain’t goin’ nowhere. – David Edwards
FearMariska Hargitay You’ve got to kick fear to the side, because the payoff is huge. – Mariska Hargitay
Sheila Heti Writing, for me, when I’m writing in the first-person, is like a form of acting. So as I’m writing, the character or self I’m writing about and my whole self – when I began the book – become entwined. It’s soon hard to tell them apart. The voice I’m trying to explore directs my own perceptions and thoughts. – Sheila Heti
Barbara Sukowa I am what I am. I’m not going to get plastic surgery. I had this discussion with my younger son. We were at a dermatologist, and this dermatologist suggested to me that I wanted to avoid wrinkles. Those wrinkles show that I have laughed a lot in my life, why should I want to erase that? Why would I erase the traces of my life which I loved? – Barbara Sukowa
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