Flo Rida I think just growing up in Miami, there’s gumbo of different cultures that influence us. – Flo Rida Cultures Quotes Growing Quotes Gumbo Quotes Influence Quotes Miami Quotes When I found out that my mom was sneaking listening to my music, I decided to make sure that my music is very clean. Growing up in my household with seven women, I’d hear all types of music.
Brendan Iribe When you put on the headset, you want to be tricked; you want your mind to believe you are actually teleported to this new virtual place. – Brendan Iribe
Hamish Bowles After student years of flat-sharing and living with other people’s taste, I went into decorating overdrive when I acquired my first apartment – its floor plan not much bigger than the vintage Hermes scarves I then wore side-knotted on my head, pirate-style. – Hamish Bowles
Ron Estes We need more leaders in Washington who will do more with less – and that’s how we engineer real change. – Ron Estes
Lydia Millet Both climate change and extinction are results of our tyranny over the nonhuman world and our domination of, and exploitation of, whole categories of each other – and those, in turn, are clearly linked to agriculture, the cattle-industrial complex, capitalism. – Lydia Millet
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