Robert Osborne I think Kennedy being assassinated changed the world. That shot changed everything about America, and made us cynical, made people discontent and angry. – Robert Osborne America Quotes Angry Quotes Assassinated Quotes Changed Quotes Cynical Quotes Discontent Quotes Kennedy Quotes People Quotes Shot Quotes As a kid growing up in a small town in Washington State, my only exposure to New York City was through movies. The town with its towering skyscrapers, fascinating people and teeming energy absolutely captivated me. I’d worked for, during one period, for a PR firm, and for a while Rock Hudson was a client of ours, so I knew him well, and I knew when he had AIDS, that he had AIDS, but I would not write about that.
Janet Mock It was through my hashtag #girlslikeus where I connected with other trans women on Twitter and Tumblr. We had challenging conversations, courageous personal revelations, and shared insights and experiences, and just had fun. The hashtag tethered me to many women in my community in impactful, lasting ways. – Janet Mock
Rory Bremner I don’t think my life would be significantly poorer if I don’t impersonate Nick Clegg. Life is short enough without sitting up night after night listening to tapes of him. – Rory Bremner
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