Naval Ravikant I think long-term, Bitcoin is a currency of the Internet. So, even if humans don’t use it, routers will use it. Web browsers will use it. Web servers will use it. – Naval Ravikant Bitcoin Quotes Browsers Quotes Currency Quotes Humans Quotes Internet Quotes Longterm Quotes Routers Quotes Servers Quotes If you’re investing in a company in the Bitcoin economy, you have to compare the valuation of the company to the valuation of the entire economy. The ledger, the distributed database – it’s called a Blockchain – is held in the cloud by all the parties involved. It can’t be broken by any of them. It’s cryptographically too strong. You would have to compromise the entire network to take over Bitcoin.
Jane Goldman I’ve always loved science fiction, fantasy, manga, comic books; so I guess, to some degree, those things influence my personal idea of what looks nice, which definitely isn’t everyone else’s. – Jane Goldman
Bryan Cranston What’s great about comedy, obviously, is that you set up a situation that people assume one thing and then you break the assumption. That’s basically the backbone to comedy. You set up a situation, let people make an assumption, and then you break the assumption. – Bryan Cranston
Gwen Moore When you see John Boehner crying, believe you me, it’s because he cannot control, uh, that wild contingency called the Tea Party. – Gwen Moore
Megan Anderson I feel like there comes a time when experience becomes an excuse for fighters, someone is more experienced therefore they automatically should win. – Megan Anderson
ArchitectureGauri Khan I take a keen interest in the architecture of places when I travel. – Gauri Khan
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