Keren Ann I think many experiences are bound to be failures, and sometimes I regret them before they even happen. – Keren Ann Bound Quotes Experiences Quotes Failures Quotes Happen Quotes Regret Quotes I think it’s very good to have regrets, to learn how to live with them. I’m always on a train or a plane, so wherever I happen to be is home.
Queen Rania of Jordan We need another revolution in the Arab world. We need an education revolution. If there’s one thing we need to focus on, it’s redesigning our educational systems. – Queen Rania of Jordan
Henry Golding I was a hairstylist in London up until the age of 21, working in Sloane Square. – Henry Golding
D H Lawrence I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. – D H Lawrence
Camille Pissarro Don’t be afraid in nature: one must be bold, at the risk of having been deceived and making mistakes. – Camille Pissarro
Molly Ivins Rush Limbaugh’s pathetic abuse of logic, his absurd pomposity, his relentless self-promotion, his ridiculous ego – now those, friends, are appropriate targets for satire. – Molly Ivins
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