Paolo Maldini I think Milan lack a bit of renovation and planning for the future. Too often, they focused only on the present, particularly after the 2007 Champions League triumph. – Paolo Maldini Bit Quotes Champions Quotes Focused Quotes Future Quotes Lack Quotes League Quotes Milan Quotes Planning Quotes Renovation Quotes Triumph Quotes We are glad not only to bring a professional soccer team to Miami but also to support all of its communities through our social responsibility commitment. Galliani is a great leader but can’t understand players.
Pierre de Coubertin Sport is part of every man and woman’s heritage and its absence can never be compensated for. – Pierre de Coubertin
Olympia Snowe What happens is that, you know, on Mondays, at least in the Senate, you know, Monday night we’d have what you’d call a bed-check vote. Just to get, you know, the machinery of the Senate up and running so they can start the committee process; on Tuesday morning, things go. By Thursday, you know, jet fumes, the smell of jet fumes. – Olympia Snowe
James Chanos While short sellers probably will never be popular on Wall Street, they often are the ones wearing the white hats when it comes to looking for and identifying the bad guys! – James Chanos
Rich Paul Anytime you make a move or advise someone in a business decision, the end result and the best result is to come out on top of that move. – Rich Paul
Romeo Santos I believe that if each one of us have successful solo careers, it can only help the group’s growth. It will allow the fans to see individual talent and make them appreciate us more. After all, we are in this for the long run and have every intention of returning with another album as Aventura. – Romeo Santos
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