Stanley Hauerwas I think no one knows what humanitarian intervention means. If I were a person who was non-American, I would think humanitarian intervention is just another name for United States imperialism. – Stanley Hauerwas Humanitarian Quotes Imperialism Quotes Intervention Quotes Nonamerican Quotes Person Quotes United Quotes The fundamental character of our faith means an extensive diversity is required not only within local community, but between communities. In the Crusades, getting the Holy Land back was the goal, and any means could be used to achieve it. World War II was a crusade. The firebombing of Tokyo by Doolittle and the carpet bombing in Germany, especially by the British, showed that.
Robert Crumb You can’t make everybody love you. It’s an exercise in futility, and it’s probably not even a good idea to try. – Robert Crumb
Michael Sorrentino The way you see me on ‘Jersey’ is a snapshot, and you can’t judge from a snapshot. – Michael Sorrentino
Makoto Shinkai Your Name’ is a film created with the innate imaginations of a Japanese team and put together in a domestic medium. When such a work is imbued with Hollywood filmmaking, we may see new possibilities that we had been completely unaware of – I am looking forward to the live-action film with excited anticipation. – Makoto Shinkai
Sufjan Stevens A musician’s attempt to summarize his or her work leads to all this prescriptive chatter, or what I call the ‘Modifier’s Madness.’ A lot of adjectives working overtime. – Sufjan Stevens
John McGahern The rosary was said every evening. I always liked that sentence about the medieval Churches, that they were the Bibles of the poor. The Church was my first book and I would think it is still my most important book. – John McGahern
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