Penelope Tree I think of the Sixties as being every man for himself. – Penelope Tree Sixties Quotes I try to see what the priorities are and not get terribly fussed about things that don’t matter. Not be swept away by feelings and emotions, which is my tendency. If someone asks me a question, it is very difficult not to answer honestly.
Michelle Pfeiffer I’ve been painting off and on since I was in sixth grade. I don’t paint when I’m acting – I’m not really able to split my focus that way. I do it intensely when I’m doing it, but I’m reluctant to take myself too seriously as a painter because that would mean there would be pressure to be better than I am. – Michelle Pfeiffer
Chris Bauer I’ve always felt like we’re all human beings and we’re all basically given the tools to make whatever choices we want to make. How we treat other people. How we treat ourselves. Just the whole philosophy of that and the philosophical logic of that is that we’re all capable of great acts of evil, and we’re all capable of great acts of good. – Chris Bauer
Jennifer Coolidge As young, hot actors living in Hollywood, you get even more attractive. – Jennifer Coolidge
Eliot Sumner I think, forever, I was trying to figure out maybe… what I am. But I don’t think anyone should feel pressured to have any kind of label or tag on them. We should treat everybody the same… Me, I don’t like to be put down to a specific thing. We’re all human beings. – Eliot Sumner
Jrue Holiday I know sometimes when you get injured, a lot of the time you’re in the training room. But getting out there on the court – if you’re on the sideline cheering them on or even at practice, you’ve just gotta talk and communicate in that way. – Jrue Holiday
Arsene Wenger I believe in work, in connections between the players, I think what makes football great is that it is a team sport. You can win in different ways, by being more of a team, or by having better individual players. It is the team ethic that interests me, always. – Arsene Wenger
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