James DeGale I think once I win this fight against Andre Dirrell I will get a lot more respect. – James DeGale Andre Quotes Dirrell Quotes Fight Quotes Lot Quotes Respect Quotes Win Quotes I will take on any super middleweight in the world. Believe it or not, I do get a lot of love on the streets.
Herbert Spencer Society exists for the benefit of its members, not the members for the benefit of society. – Herbert Spencer
Julian Baggini Atheists have to live with the knowledge that there is no salvation, no redemption, no second chances. Lives can go terribly wrong in ways that can never be put right. – Julian Baggini
Richard Dooling As a society, we pick words that are offensive based on what we’re most afraid of. We associate sounds with some dangerous idea, and right now the most dangerous thing to us are the differences between us. – Richard Dooling
Jonathan Kozol At present, black children are more segregated in their public schools than at any time since 1968. In the inner-city schools I visit, minority children typically represent 95 percent to 99 percent of class enrollment. – Jonathan Kozol
Sean Paul I’ve been approached by many different people, but I don’t really want to be known as a collaboration dude. – Sean Paul
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