Anna Karina I think personally that every actress should do a little film. Even a short film. And all directors should act, to know how difficult it is also the other way around. – Anna Karina Actress Quotes Difficult Quotes Directors Quotes Film Quotes Personally Quotes Short Quotes Le Petit Soldat’ was banned in Paris; it wasn’t out in the movie houses. It was forbidden because it was talking about the Algerian war. When a woman does not want something to go on she has to say stop. And she always has the right to change her mind.
Jean Paul Gaultier The shock of the way I mix patterns and fabrics can be disconcerting, but what I am trying to do is provoke new ideas about how pieces can be put together in different ways. I think this is a more modern way to wear clothes that in themselves are fairly classic. – Jean Paul Gaultier
Jennifer Holliday I’m not like Stephanie Mills or Whitney Houston with actual hits. My fans think everything I did was a hit. – Jennifer Holliday
Fatih Birol The energy sector presents exceptional opportunities for governments and investors. – Fatih Birol
Clark Blaise A lot of the Indians who came to North America in the ’70s, and who made very successful adjustments, always had an idea of the India that they had left, not realizing that the India that they had left has changed more profoundly than the America they came to. – Clark Blaise
Sam Mikulak The first time I won a medal in the all-around competition is when I realized that’s what I wanted to do pretty much for the rest of my life. Even though I was still doing baseball and soccer at the time, I think I just found that that was more my passion, where I saw a lot more success… I was probably eight or nine years old. – Sam Mikulak
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