Denis Thatcher I think she was ready to go. Not to be kicked out. Go at the top. Undefeated. – Denis Thatcher Kicked Quotes Ready Quotes Undefeated Quotes I wasn’t absolutely too sure where the Falklands was, and I didn’t want to make a bloody fool of myself. It would have been a very, very good thing if the next election after Margaret went we had lost.
Ardal O'HanlonSympathy I have a certain sympathy with politicians having lived with one. I’ve seen how no matter how earnest or driven or energetic they are, it’s still difficult to change things. I have been encouraged to go into politics, but I don’t think I could make a contribution, it suits me better to be sniping from the sidelines. – Ardal O’Hanlon
Louis L'Amour I don’t travel and tell stories, because that’s not the way these days. But I write my books to be read aloud, and I think of myself in that oral tradition. – Louis L’Amour
Alice Dreger You know what Oprah taught me? Unless you count as changing your life having a neighborhood dad say to you every morning at the school bus stop, ‘You sure don’t look as good as you did on ‘Oprah!’, being on ‘Oprah’ doesn’t change your life. – Alice Dreger
Martin Scorsese There are two kinds of power you have to fight. The first is the money, and that’s just our system. The other is the people close around you, knowing when to accept their criticism, knowing when to say no. – Martin Scorsese
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