Lorrie Morgan I think sometimes, especially in country music, the fans feel so close to an artist that they think they have a right to know things I don’t believe they do. I believe it’s the artist’s choice how much they want to let people know. – Lorrie Morgan Artist Quotes Artists Quotes Choice Quotes Close Quotes Country Quotes Fans Quotes Feel Quotes Music Quotes People Quotes I’ve always been honest about my relationships, and I’ve been taught that the more you try to hide, the more they want to find out. In my case, unfortunately, it’s not true. The more I talk, the more they want to know. That concerns me, that we’re reaching out for perfection, when country music has always been about imperfection.
Larry Hogan For years, I have repeatedly said that Maryland taxpayers were being overtaxed and overcharged. – Larry Hogan
Max BrooksMedical Zombies let us explore notions of the apocalypse – no water, food, medical care, the government imploding – while letting us sleep at night. – Max Brooks
Peter Riegert It never occurs to me that acting with a superstar is something to worry about. I figure the bigger the better because more will be demanded of me. – Peter Riegert
Albert EllisWomen There’s no evidence whatsoever that men are more rational than women. Both sexes seem to be equally irrational. – Albert Ellis
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