Garrison Keillor I think that if writers are tempted to do other things, they ought to go do other things. They should not write if they don’t feel like it. I say this as a competitor. I am not interested in encouraging people who are in competition with me. – Garrison Keillor Competition Quotes Competitor Quotes Encouraging Quotes Feel Quotes People Quotes Tempted Quotes Write Quotes Writers Quotes I hear a little firecracker go off when you come up with a good rhyme. I want to resume the life of a shy person.
Robbie Keane Qualifying for the second stage would be a successful World Cup for us. I think we can do it. – Robbie Keane
Karen DeCrow George McGovern – and I campaigned very hard for his election – was not, in the summer of 1971, a strong feminist ally. But he did come around. – Karen DeCrow
Lance Loud When you’ve grown sick of reading and bug-eyed from watching TV, when your friends are all visited out, no words can adequately praise the link to the outside world provided by your parents and family. – Lance Loud
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