Alaska I think that Life Ball is great because we’re celebrating life and also raising awareness. That’s all we need to keep doing. – Alaska Awareness Quotes Ball Quotes Celebrating Quotes Life Quotes Raising Quotes I wanted a song my 6-year-old niece could listen to in the car. ‘Everyday is Christmas’ sounds like a sweet sentiment, but in reality if every day were actually Christmas it would be a candy cane-riddled hellscape from which the human race could never awaken. So we’re lucky it is just a lighthearted Christmas tune. Straight people love to steal from drag queens. It happens all the time.
Meghan McCain I really try every day. I really try to come into work thinking about what rhetoric I’m going to put out in the world and what my father would’ve done if he was still here. – Meghan McCain
Rob Gronkowski When you get off five or six months, and you’re not competing as an athlete, you want to get back out on the field. – Rob Gronkowski
Lizz Wright I think, as singers and performers, we are ambassadors of the human experience. I don’t want to get bored just talking about myself. – Lizz Wright
Geoff Mulgan As the Internet of things advances, the very notion of a clear dividing line between reality and virtual reality becomes blurred, sometimes in creative ways. – Geoff Mulgan
Aroldis Chapman My mom, my dad, my children, my sisters, they are everything to me. – Aroldis Chapman
Ian McDiarmid That’s the mark of a great storyteller, never to give away secrets in advance. – Ian McDiarmid
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